Monday, July 16, 2007

The Necessity of Proper Work Attire

We frequently find ourselves converting formerly nice clothing into work clothes as we stain it with paint, snag it on nails or other similar things. It isn't that we don't have a ton of work clothes already, it is simply that we sometimes find ourselves motivated to work on a project and unmotivated to change. Or since we don't live at the Big Purple House yet, we occasionally find ourselves over there with a chance to work on something, while our work attire is still at home.

Yesterday was one such occasion. We had a bit of time and a big pile of wood that needed to be carried our dumpster. Although I was wearing flip-flops and a skirt, I some how managed to not rip holes in anything or injure myself. My husband on the other hand was almost properly attired. He was wearing work shorts, a t-shirt, and Tevas. His clothes are fine, but by not wearing proper work shoes, his foot did not fair so well when he dropped a 2x4 with a nail in it on his foot.

I told him a stigmata didn't count if he did it to himself, which he some how didn't find funny. Today is on a course of antibiotics, ibuprofen and has an up-to-date tetanus shot. Ironically, now the only shoes he can wear are the Tevas. I guess he won't be carrying any more nail-ridden wood for a while.

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