Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Will It Stay Purple?

One of the first questions people ask when they hear we bought a purple house is whether or not we intend to change the color. In fact, all our neighbors asked the same thing. It's really more of a lavender than a Barney purple, with grey and black accents, but I can't say the colors were ones I would have chosen.

I can't say I love the colors and I don't really think they are historically right for the house, and the previous owner didn't even do a great job on the painting, but it is freshly painted. It's definitely better than nothing and gives the house some protection from the elements.

There are plenty of other things for us to spend money on, so until it absolutely needs repainting our neighbors are just going to have to get used to purple. I think it will look a lot better once I dig out some flower beds and get my hands dirty with some landscaping projects.


Anonymous said...

We considered buying a "Queen Anne Lite" house that had a fresh coat of paint -- orange on the clapboards, and three shades of pink (from baby to dark fuschia) on the trim.

Um.... yeah.

But had we bought it, our answer would have been the same - it will get painted when it needs to get painted.

In the mean time, giving folks directions to your house will be very easy!

Greg said...

My house was an ugly brown for several years after I removed the asbestos siding. I did eventually paint it, but people had to put up with it for a while.

Purple is really making a comeback around here as a house color. Yours doesn't sound too bad (are there pictures), but some around here have like a yellow body with purple and blue trim, or other such combinations. I can't say I like that.

Brandy Brow said...

Your blog caught my eye on HouseBlogs because my dad's house is known in town as the purple house. He likes blackraspberry ice cream and painted it that Barney color on purpose. Purple and white. Townsfolk should be cheering with high school spirit at their school colors on the house. Whenever anyone asks where I grew up, all I have to say is, "You know that purple house across from the church? That's it--my dad's house."

The funny thing? It seems to have caught on. Houses in the neighboring town, the main town of the area, began popping up cartoon colors. :)

Brandy of The Building Brows